Call of Duty World War 2 Zombies INSANE Classes


You will receive the following:

  • 10 Custom Classes Starting Weapons Set To: De Lisle, SDK 9mm, Crossbow, Blunderbuss, Ribeyrolles, KG-M21, AS44, EMP44, SVT-40 & MG-15
  • Molotov Cocktail Modded Equipment in all classes
  • Hidden Fury Ability (Gives you shellshock in game, can also be swapped out in the loadout editor)
  • Applied to your account
  • Works on PlayStation
  • Delivery time: 0-24 hours

The service will be completed within 24 hours after payment

NOTE: This is a legit hard unlock and not a blueprint service!

If you do not feel comfortable sharing your account information, you provide a brand new account instead

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